Federal Government Information
Looking for US government information? We can help you find it – on the shelf and online – at the State of Arizona Research Library.
The Federal Documents collection spans more than 170 years of United States history and illuminates Arizona’s changing relationship with the rest of the country. Learn about public lands, military installations, interstate highways, water policy and more.
The State of Arizona Research Library is the Regional Federal Depository Library for Arizona. We are committed to providing free access to federal government information for today’s and tomorrow’s Arizonans.
Plan Your Visit
- Information on all three branches of the U.S. government
- Books, maps, microfiche, journals, periodicals, kits, and more
- Historical publications and up-to-date, current information
- Expert reference assistance from government information librarians
Arizona Memory Project
- Find full-text government publications on National Parks, Mining and Minerals, the Colorado River, and many more topics online.
- Official source for full-text government publications online. Contains recent and some historical titles.
State Library of Arizona Online Catalog
- Access our print and digital holidings. Our collection contains more resources than are in our catalog, especially older materials. Please contact a librarian for assistance in locating federal government publications and information.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
- Find descriptive records for historical and current publications.
Arizona Federal Depository Libraries
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