Retention Schedules
General Retention Schedules
Retention schedules are used by government bodies to Identify records of enduring value, foster proper disposition of records, and conform to ARS 41-151.14.
General Retention Schedules cover records common across multiple levels of government. By encouraging the use of these general schedules, LAPR hopes to provide consistent retention across all levels of government. General Schedules can be found here:
Custom retention schedules are specific to one public body. These are used to plan the disposition of records unique to a public body. Custom schedules can only be used by the specific organization they are created for. General schedules supersede all existing custom schedules with the following exception: the custom schedule retention period is longer than the general schedule retention period.
Legislative Retention Schedules
The following Retention Schedules are the responsibility of the Legislature and are provided here as a courtesy to our customers. Retention schedules for legislative bodies are created by their respective bodies although the State Archives works closely with the Legislature on these schedules.
- Arizona House of Representatives, Research Staff
- Arizona Senate
- Legislative Council, Citizens Aide
- Joint Legislative Budget Committee
Court Retention Schedules
Court retention schedules are the responsibility of the State Supreme Court and can be found in the Code of Judicial Administration. All judicial bodies (Supreme Court, Superior Courts, Justice Courts, Municipal Courts, Adult Probation, Juvenile Probation, etc.) fall under the responsibility of the State Supreme Court, and are administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Retention schedules for judicial bodies are created by the State Supreme Court, although the State Library, Archives, and Public Records works closely with the State Supreme Court on these schedules.
The retention schedules in the Code of Judicial Administration can be located as follows:
- Court of Appeals (Section 2-201)
- Limited Jurisdiction Courts (Section 4-302)
- Probation (Section 6-115)
- Superior Court (Section 3-402)
- Supreme Court Clerk (Section 2-101)
Retention schedules for Supreme Court staff attorneys and the State Bar are set by Administrative Orders.
- Supreme Court Staff Attorneys (Administrative Order 2020-43)
- State Bar (Administrative Order 2020-153)