
Vol. 50, No. 4 Spring 2021

It is springtime again – moving quickly toward summer. Hoorah! I expect the start of many new things at this time of year.
This newsletter describes some of the efforts and opportunities available to you through the Arizona Talking Book Library.
The Summer Reading Program is available to patrons of all ages, and the mail-in registration is included in this newsletter.
Please tear out the page (page 5 / 6) that has the registration on one side and the mailing information on the other side. We look forward to your participation in the Summer Reading Program!
Details of the new mailing cards for the multi-book cartridges are presented. The new, folded cards provide the printed listing of all books and magazines that are on the cartridge.
The Daughters of the American Revolution has a certificate of recognition for all World War II veterans.
The Arizona Friends of Talking Books has information on the Whine-a-Thon fundraiser to support our library.
Happy reading and good health to you!
Janet Fisher, Administrator
The library continues to transition our readers to custom multi-book cartridges as part of a nationwide change. These cartridges have opened a new world of reading possibilities, with immediate access to a wider collection of books that were previously only available for download. Wait lists for even the most popular bestsellers are also a thing of the past. Over 3500 people have made the switch so far and more are added every day.
We recently unveiled our new folded mail cards that include a printed list of books on each cartridge. If your book arrives with the folded mail card, it is paired with a container that has its own return address label applied directly to it. To mail, remove the card before returning the book. As a bonus, you can retain this card if you would like to have access to your reading history!
NOTE: If your library book or magazine cartridge does not have the new folded card, please continue to turn over the mail card so the library address is visible.
The library phone number is printed on the mail card if you would like to contact us. Please do not include handwritten notes, or letters printed or typed and sent within the container, as these are not eligible to be sent as free matter.
We hope you are enjoying the Multi-book Cartridges – whether your preference is for a full series by one author or a mix of different genres and subjects!
Each year the Arizona Friends of Talking Books holds an annual fundraiser with 100% of the proceeds going to the support of the Arizona Talking Book Library and the many programs it offers. Your financial assistance is critical in enabling the Friends to continue to provide support to those programs.
This year, we are holding our biennial Whine-A-Thon in 2021 – a mail-a-thon and drawing that you can participate in from the comfort of your own home!
We have exciting grand prizes including an Amazon Fire TV Cube, Apple iPad, as well as a selection of gift cards and certificates (each valued at $25.00 or more)! Please keep checking our website ( for an updated list of prizes.
For each donation of $25.00, your name will be entered into the drawing; any donation of $100.00 will receive five entries. In order to be entered into the drawing, please make sure that your donation reaches us by June 18th in time for the June 25th drawing date. We are enclosing a special envelope for your convenience and its use will alert us that your Whine-A-Thon donation is enclosed.
We will contact each winner personally and all winners’ names will be posted on our website shortly after the drawing.
For additional information about the Friends, please visit our website at
Thank you for your support!
Sadly there are not many WWII Veterans still with us; as many as 1,100 die every day, per the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) has developed a new certificate to honor WWII Veterans. If you know of any WWII Veterans in your community, this (8x10) certificate is a good way to show our appreciation for their service.
Our WWII Veterans will not be with us much longer, so please take advantage of this opportunity to brighten their day.
Coral Moon Lewis ([email protected])
Copper State Chapter AZDAR

YOUTH PROGRAM: We want you to read, read and read about all things animal this summer. The program runs from June 1st to July 31st. For neat prizes, read everyday for 20 minutes. This can be by yourself or with someone else. Add a sticker to your game board for every 20 minutes. After you have used all 50 of your stickers, fold it in half and mail it back to us to be entered in a drawing for an Amazon Fire tablet.
ADULT PROGRAM: Join the Arizona Talking Book Library for 2021’s Adult Summer Reading Program! We will be completing a Tic-Tac-Toe board full of lovely tales about tails (animals). Why should adults participate? Audio books can boost our moods and reduce anxiety. Having someone else read aloud stimulates our cognitive and emotional areas of the brain. This can help us to replace negative thoughts with something else. Social distancing and isolation have taken a toll on our mental health. Psychology Today cites audio as “one of the most intimate forms of media—listeners work together with the narrator and author to create mental pictures of situations and characters. Audiobooks can captivate the imagination, allowing listeners to create a whole world at once within and outside themselves.”
Read with us June 1st - July 30th. Win one of 5 grocery store gift certificates, silly prizes and finish your Tic-Tac-Toe board for a chance to win an Amazon Fire tablet.
Youth and Adult Registration forms are included in this newsletter.
- Simply tear out the form.
- Fill out the appropriate section (adult or youth).
- Fold in half.
- Secure with tape or a staple.
- And drop in the mail.
You can always call us at 602-255-5578 or 800-255-5578 (outside the Phoenix area) and leave a message for Elizabeth to sign up over the phone.
Call: (602)255-5578 / (800)255-5578 or
Email: [email protected] or
Fill out the form below, fold in half (so our address shows) and mail:
Name _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number or Email ______________________________________________
Have you participated before? Yes ____ No ____
Would you like to receive additional activities and ideas for interacting with your local animals, including zoos, shelters, wildlife parks and service dog organizations? The Arizona Talking Book Library will not give them your contact information?
Yes ____ No ____
Call: (602)255-5578 / (800)255-5578 or
Email: [email protected] or
Fill out the form below, fold in half (so our address shows) and mail:
Name _________________________________________________ Age _________
Phone Number or Email ______________________________________________
Contact Name
(if different from above)__________________________________________________________________
Have you participated before? Yes ____ No ____
Would you like to receive extra projects, activities, and crafts this summer?
Yes ____ No ____
When you receive a cartridge with multiple books on it, you can access the books in one of two ways: The Easy Way and the Bookshelf Mode.
#1 - The Easy Way
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1. When you reach the very end of the book or initial instructions, press the green, rectangular Play button. |
2. The machine will then prompt the patron to, “Press the Play button again to go on to the next book.” Go ahead and press the play button again, and the machine will start playing the next book. | ![]() |
#2 - Bookshelf Mode (Skipping over books, etc.)
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1. Insert the cartridge in the player and turn the power on by pressing the red, circular Power Button. |
2. Press and hold the green, rectangular Play button for about 3 seconds until the player beeps and says “Bookshelf” and announces the number of books on the cartridge. | ![]() |
3. Tap the Rewind or Fast Forward button, located on each side of the green, rectangular Play button, to select the next book. The book title will be announced. To advance to the next title, just press the Fast Forward button again, or tap the rewind again to go to the previous book.

4. Once you get to the title you want to read, press the green, rectangular Play button. The player will exit Bookshelf Mode and start playing the selected title.

Any mention of products and services in Talking Book News is for information only and does not imply endorsement.
Talking Book News is also available in other formats including our website at If you would like to receive this newsletter on cartridge or in email, please call 602-255-5578 or 1-800-255-5578.
Talking Book News is published quarterly by the Arizona Talking Book Library, Archives and Public Records, a Division of the Secretary of State. Administrator: Janet Fisher.