Congressional Record Volume 47
Document Description:
Congressional Record Volume 47 pages 4118-4141 contains the U.S. Senate "New Mexico and Arizona" debate from August 18, 1911 which highlights the issues surrounding the admission of New Mexico and Arizona into the Union of states. The debate centers on whether Arizona should be admitted to the Union if the state constitution allows for the recall of members of the judiciary. President Taft was opposed to allowing recall.
- C. R. Vol. 47 Pages 4217-4242 contains the August 19, 1911 House debate and passage of S.J. Res. 57 including a speech by the Hon. John H. Stephens (47 Cong. Rec. Appendix 90-92).
- C. R. Vol. 47 Page 4258 and 4309 S.J. Res. 57 was examined and signed.
- C. R. Vol. 47 Page 4381 The President approved of this version on August 21, 1911.