Mining Advisory Council
Agency Contact Information
The Mining Advisory Council (Council) was established in 2010. Current statutory authority for the Council is found at A.R.S. §41-4701.
The Council was created to review mining policy and to provide assistance to state agencies regarding rules affecting mining in the state (Laws 2010, Chapter 309, Sec. 20, Purpose). The Council consists of nine members and two legislators who serve in an advisory capacity.
Provisions relating to the Council were part of an omnibus measure developed in response to recommendations made by the seventeen-member Ad Hoc Committee on Mining Regulations. The Committee, chaired by Senator Sylvia Allen and Representative Russ Jones, met in 2009 and 2010.
Laws 2010, Chapter 309 established the Mining Advisory Council to review, advise and provide recommendations to state agencies that propose administrative rules and budget allocations affecting mining. State agencies were allowed to consider recommendations received from the Council and to include comments in the official record. The measure also authorized the Council to review state mining policies in all areas of state government and to analyze state agency policies, including those policies reflecting decisions made by administrative law judges and agency directors.
Laws 2013, Chapter 169 modified eligibility requirements to serve on the Council, required Council members to be lawfully present in the United States, and added two legislative advisory members. The measure deleted three functions of the Council enacted in 2010 relating to: 1) review of state mining policy in all areas of state government; 2) review and comment on proposed budget allocations related to mining; and 3) analysis of state agency policies, including those related to decisions made by administrative law judges and agency directors.
- Arizona Revised Statutes 41-4701
- Session Laws
- Laws 2010, Chapter 309
- Laws 2013, Chapter 169
Arizona State Legislature Ad Hoc Committee on Mining Regulations.
The Committee met on November 2, 2009; November 16, 2009; December 7, 2009; January 5, 2010; and July 8, 2010. Minutes, attachments and audio on file in Chief Clerk’s Office, Arizona House of Representatives. Final recommendations found as Attachment C: July 8, 2010.