Conservation, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Recovery
The Conservation Officer at the Arizona Archives and Records Management Division provides a variety of services to Arizona’s citizens, libraries, and agencies as well as national organizations. In most cases, these services are free, courtesy of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
The Conservator provides:
- A variety of talks ranging from preserving family history collections to disaster planning for libraries and government agencies.
- Consultations on conservation issues with individuals as well as institutions via telephone, email or on-site.
- Hands-on workshops on book repair for circulating collections, disaster prevention and response, papers conservation and other topics. A fee to cover the cost of supplies may be necessary for some workshops.
Essential Records
It is the responsibility of the head of each state and local agency to establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the records of the agency. As part of that responsibility, the head of each state and local agency must submit lists of all essential records in the custody of the agency to the State Library every five years (ARS §41-151.14 a.5).
- Establishing an Essential Records List
- Essential Records Listing form (8.5” x 11” Excel) (8.5” x 14” Excel)
- Essential Records Voting Tally
Standard Operating Procedure for Water Damaged Records
Here is a generic SOP that all public bodies can use if they find themselves with water damaged records.
- Standard Operation Procedure for Water Damage to Records
- Damage Assessment Log
- Damage Report
- Box Identifier Log
Archives and Records Management offers a variety of trainings regarding Essential Records and intergovernmental preparedness. Visit the training page for a complete listing of courses.
Conservation Resources
- Disaster Planning for Rural Libraries in Arizona
- Disaster Planning for Government Agencies in Arizona
- Guidelines For Dealing With Water Damaged Property from the American Institute for Conservation
- Dust Cloths for Rare or Valuable Materials by Michaelle Biddle
- Disasters: Preventing and Coping
- Cleaning Up Your Act
- Preservation Guidelines
- Preserving Public Records